Revamping Your Headshots to Rejoin the Workforce

Learn how professional headshots can help you transition from stay-at-home mom to career superstar.

Revamping Your Headshots to Rejoin the Workforce
Photo by Sweet Sol Photo

So, you've been stuck in primary parent mode for what feels like an eternity, right? Well, listen up because I've got some exciting news for you! If you're ready to kick that "Stay at Home Mom" title to the curb and dive back into the workforce where you finally get paid again for all your hard work, I've got your back. In this series, I'm going to cover everything you need to know, from sprucing up your resume to acing interviews and nailing those salary negotiations. Get ready to soak up the wisdom from badass boss moms who have been there, done that, and conquered it all. First up, let's talk about updating your headshot!

Why does having a professional headshot matter?

I can hear your skeptical thoughts. "Do I really need a professional headshot?" Well, my friend, the answer is a resounding YES! You see, humans are experts at "thin-slicing" - making snap judgments based on appearances. It's like speed dating, but for your career. In just a few seconds, people will decide everything from your intelligence and social status to your professional abilities and even your sexual orientation. I know, it's crazy, but it's how our quirky human brains work.

Now, imagine this: you have an outdated headshot while you're slinging applications into the dark abyss of the Internet. Guess what? You might be missing out on some awesome opportunities. You don't want to be overshadowed by other candidates, right? Unpopular fact, the majority of employers–a whopping 77% of them!–will Google you to check you out before calling you in for an interview. And we're not just talking LinkedIn, trust me, they'll find you on all social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter), even if you think you've got your privacy settings locked down. So, your profile photo matters!

LetsAskYourMom Branding Photo by Sweet Sol Photo
LetsAskYourMom Branding Photo by Sweet Sol Photo

What makes a killer headshot?

Well, it's all about showing off your professionalism, personality, and personal brand (if you have one). If you're building your brand from scratch, you need consistent imagery and a unique voice to stand out like a boss.

Live in and around NYC? Lucky for you, I have the perfect recommendation: Yamaris from Sweet Sol Photo. She's a wizard at capturing images that tell stories, empowering women, and helping small business owners build their brands. 

How to Get Good Professional Headshots

Now, let's dive into the nitty-gritty of getting the most out of your professional photoshoot:

  • Don't cheap out! Remember the golden rule: "You get what you pay for." If you're spending less than $100, chances are you've stumbled upon someone who isn't a pro. Pros have expenses like studios, equipment, insurance, taxes, and the time to keep up with trends and retouching. Invest wisely!
  • Find your perfect match. No, not a romantic partner, silly! I'm talking about a photographer who gets you. Take a close look at their portfolio and see if their style aligns with your personality. Do you want bright and vibrant or sleek and modern? Think about where you'll be using the photos and choose accordingly. Make sure you vibe well with your photographer because that energy will show in your images!
  • Prepare to Shine. The clothes you bring to the shoot can make or break the final result. Your photographer can guide you on wardrobe, hair, and makeup, so trust their expertise. You want to rock that photoshoot like a superstar!
  • Your photographer does their homework. A true pro doesn't just click buttons and say cheese. They understand industry trends and will create clean, modern, and relevant images that make you stand out from the crowd. Prepare to be wowed!
  • Unleash your awesomeness. Look for a photographer who knows how to bring out your confidence, excitement, and dynamism. They'll make you feel like a million bucks, and that positive energy will radiate through the final images.
Photo by Sweet Sol Photo
Photo by Sweet Sol Photo

What about using AI to generate headshots?

Now, here's a nod to our future AI overlords. The market is flooded with AI headshot generators that can churn out professional-looking photos from your very own selfies. Secta AI Labs comes highly recommended from a fellow boss mom and currently has a launch promo (300+ photos for $49).

When it comes to which selfies to upload, the AI performs best when you feed it quality and variety. Ideally images are taken in daylight without anyone else in the photo and each feature of your face is clearly visible and not obscured (think sunglasses, heavy makeup, filters, or even Photoshopped).

Now, if you're anything like me, your phone is probably bursting with hundreds of adorable kid pictures and snapshots of every meal you've ever eaten. But let's be real, finding even 25 quality selfies of yourself might be a bit of a challenge. We're parents, after all, not professional selfie-takers!

Whether you choose a professional photographer or venture into the realm of AI-generated headshots, make sure you showcase the amazing person you are. Remember, your headshot has the power to unlock the doors of career success, so let's strike a pose and work that camera like a boss!

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