Making the Switch to Flex Reusable Menstrual Discs

I share my personal experience with Flex and why these menstrual discs win for a more comfortable and stress-free period experience.

Making the Switch to Flex Reusable Menstrual Discs

Hey there, fellow ladies! Let’s talk periods—yes, the topic we’ve been navigating since our teenage years. But guess what? I've got an exciting update to share! As a seasoned menstrual cup user for nearly two decades, I thought I had my period game down pat. I could never go back to bulky pads, or the potential risk of Toxic Shock Syndrome. But recently, I hit a snag. My trusty reusable cups were causing some unexpected discomfort, leaks, and even bladder pressure. Thanks a lot, perimenopause, for throwing yet another curveball and changing the game.

Curious about the benefits of reusable menstrual cups? Check out my previous post here and find what works best for you!

Enter Flex Menstrual Disc

Enter Flex, the menstrual disc that kept popping up in my social feeds with promises of solving all my period problems. Initially unsure if the Flex disc was right for me, I dove into reviews and comments, weighing the pros and cons. Many perks mirrored those of menstrual cups: eco-friendly, wallet-friendly, and sex-friendly (that's a new one!). But would it address my specific issues? Skeptical yet hopeful, I decided to give it a whirl.

Flex Disc for the Win: No More Cramps!

Fast forward to my first cycle with Flex, and oh my, what a revelation. Insertion was a breeze–even easier than the menstrual cups I'm used to. It came with detailed instructions which you can also see in the helpful video guide below. The real game-changer is the disc’s placement in the vaginal fornix. Unlike tampons and menstrual cups which expand in your vaginal canal, this placement in the wider and less sensitive fornix eliminated the cramping and pressure I'd been battling. When you hear about women not feeling the disc one bit during their periods? Turns out, that's totally legit!

The Hands-Free Magic of Flex

Here’s where Flex truly blew my mind—the hands-free emptying. Picture this: you’re going about your bathroom business, and when your pelvic floor naturally presses down, that breaks the seal. The disc empties into the toilet and then seamlessly resumes its position when you're done. Sounds too good to be true, right? When I read about it before, I thought to myself, "Great, so if I sneeze or have a violent cough, am I going to open the floodgates to hell?" But nope. Even on my heaviest flow days this month, I had NO LEAKS. I still wore my period panties as backup, but they stayed spotless.

The Mess Factor

Now, let’s address the one minor con. On heavy flow days, removing the disc for cleaning inevitably led to a crime scene on my hands. Dealing with a little mess though proved to be a manageable inconvenience. A quick cleanup every 12 hours is a small price to pay for a much more pleasant cycle overall! So if you're just starting out, I'd recommend doing this in the shower or similar place where it's easy to wash away the evidence – i.e. steer clear of that plush, cream colored bathroom mat!

Final Verdict: Flex Gets the Gold Stamp of Approval

Flex reusable menstrual disc exceeded my expectations and earned its place as my new period hero. If you’re considering making the switch, I can't recommend it enough. If you're already a menstrual disc maven, pass along any tips or recommendations for the rest of us! Periods may be a fact of life, but with products like Flex, managing them has gotten a whole lot easier.

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