Let's Ask Your Mom About Noom: My Health & Wellness Journey

Join me on a transformative adventure with Noom, as I share my real-life successes with the program, practical tips, and breakfast and snack ideas to fuel a healthier, happier lifestyle.

Let's Ask Your Mom About Noom: My Health & Wellness Journey
How does your personality impact your unique health behaviors? Take the Noom quiz to find out!

What I'm sharing here is my personal take on Noom. No affiliations, no payment for this review – just me being real. But here's the deal: I've thrown in some referral links for the Noom program. If you decide to join me for the ride through one of these links, I might snag a small kick back (at no cost to you)

I hopped on the Noom train at the end of August to make some lifestyle changes after a health scare in our family. I'd seen Noom ads for ages, but I was skeptical – you know, thinking it might be just another fleeting diet trend. But this time, I took the plunge and even added on the Premium membership (which tacks on meal planning, recipes, and workout suggestions). Investing in myself always works better when there's some skin in the game, right? I opted for the three month subscription which came out to about $60/month, but if you commit to a year it just around $20/month (check out the full pricing breakdown). Consider NYC gym memberships average over $100 a month. A personal trainer or nutritionist or therapist would cost at least that much per session, and with Noom, you sort of get all of the above rolled into one package, so the 3 month subscription felt like a steal.

TL;DR want to just jump in and try Noom for yourself? Get a 14-day free trial + 20% off when you use my referral link.

My Noom Success Story

Before kids, my "normal" weight was around 115 lbs. Fast forward through two pregnancies, the full COVID-19 weight gain, and endless attempts at dieting and exercise – the struggle was real. No amount of calorie counting or marathon running seemed to budge the scale. I chalked it up to aging and having kids, but I guess I was wrong because enter Noom, and everything changed.

Three months in, and I'm thrilled with the progress, just look at that trendline steadily moving down! I have taken several "treat" days off here and there for mom's nights, anniversaries, birthdays, family reunions, Thanksgiving, but when I keep plugging along, it takes no time at all to recover the downward trend.

Noom Weigh-Ins over 15 weeks

And let's not forget about the non-scale victories! Less bloat, better mood, improved gut health, comfier clothes, and no more hunger pangs. Plus, little things like waking up without congestion, having clearer skin, and no more afternoon crashes.

What Is Noom?

The big question I get: Is it a diet? Nope! It's more of a holistic framework addressing nutrition, psychology, stress, sleep, and movement. Everything is geared towards helping you create healthier habits.

Food-wise, it breaks things down by caloric density (think: more water, less calories = lower caloric density food) and sets a daily calorie range based on your goals. I loved the idea of a lower end of a calorie range that you're not supposed to drop below. Many days, after planning out my meals, I know that I can afford to have a treat or an extra snack just to hit my daily minimum. Plus, no food is off-limits. It even explores the pros and cons of various diets and meal ideas. Go with Mediterranean, Vegan, Paleo, or even intermittent fasting if you want, just pick what works best for your lifestyle.

The mini daily lessons? Pure gold. I tend to dive deep and drown when I get into things, but Noom keeps me on track, pacing my journey and helping me avoid information overload. I only spend 5-8 minutes a day and these help deconstruct my personal attitudes towards food and exercise, arming me with tips to overcome even the most stubborn unhelpful habits.

Noom breaks down habit forming changes into smaller bites, and helps me occasionally zoom out to the big picture if I start getting lost in the minutiae. I started simple – more water, regular breakfasts, and adding movement to my day. Finally, making easy swaps to incorporate lower-calorie, but more filling snacks and sides to create more balance in my diet.

Look, it's not rocket science – we've all got a sense of what tweaks our lifestyle could use. But having Noom as my accountability buddy was the missing puzzle piece that turned those thoughts into action. Ready to give it a go? Grab a 14-day free trial + score 20% off by using my referral link. Let's make those changes together!

Don't Hold Out, Gimme More Details

Water: Making the shift from sipping just 16 oz. of water daily to a solid 64 oz. was no joke, and let me tell you, those initial days involved quite a few bathroom breaks! But now, I've got the rhythm nailed down. I kick off the day with 16 oz. even before herding the kids to school, followed by a water pitstop at lunch, pre-snack time, and during dinner. The result? I've never felt so consistently hydrated in all my years.

Breakfast of Champions: Next up, I made it a point to kick off each day with a proper breakfast – no more skipping meals for this busy mom! I used to fall into the trap of rushing through mornings or getting too wrapped up in work, leaving my body in a perpetual state of self-preservation. Why burn those fat stores when you might need them at any moment? Now, I'm all about a hearty breakfast that packs in protein, healthy fats, and whole grains. Not only does it keep those hunger demons at bay for the entire morning, but it also sets me on a positive course for the rest of the day. Breakfast game strong, and I'm ready to conquer whatever comes my way.

Easy Breakfast Go-Tos

Toast with peanut butter and chocolate syrup

Chocolate Croissant Swap: Whole grain toast with a tablespoon of natural peanut butter and a drizzle of chocolate syrup helps keep my chocolate croissant cravings in check.

Lox and cottage cheese on a sprouted English muffin

Everything Bagels with Lox spread swap: Lox on a whole grain sprouted English muffin with low fat cottage cheese is a filling and satisfying substitution. The English muffin is "green" so it also makes a great base for smashed avocado with everything but the salt seasoning!

Oatmeal porridge with blueberries, almonds
Everyday oatmeal with berries, nuts, and a dash of sweetness View more by Arx0nt from Getty Images

Everyday Oatmeal made with oatmilk. Add some fresh berries or chopped apples, a handful of nuts, and a teaspoon of maple syrup or tablespoon of peanut butter.

Savory oatmeal with poached egg, tomatoes, cheese and sprouts in white bowl. Healthy breakfast concept.
Savory oatmeal with an egg, veggies, and cheese View more by vaaseenaa from Getty Images

Savory Oatmeal: Stir in an egg while your oatmeal is cooking. Add veggies such as kimchi and sprouts or cut cherry tomatoes and avocado, and a sprinkle of shredded cheese for a savory spin on oatmeal that will keep you satisfied till lunchtime.

Age-Fighting Fruit Smoothies: When I'm in a rush, I blend up a quick smoothie. Add in some frozen pineapple or strawberries to this age-fighting avocado smoothie recipe for some added brightness.

Get Up and Move

I embraced simple changes to incorporate movement into each day. When I'm not training for races, I sometimes go weeks without doing anything that most people would count as "exercise." For me, being mindful about movement looks like: saying "yes" to taking walks to get more steps, going to pick up food on my own instead of ordering delivery, and taking the stairs instead of the elevator. These small changes along with walking the kids to and from school have been enough to ensure I average about 8-10k steps a day.

Daily step count over 6 months
Check out that downtrend until I started Noom at the end of August

Finding Balance in my Nutrition

Finally, I focused on making swaps so that there were a few "green" foods with every meal. Foods that fill you up but are low in calories. Most preparations of veggies and fruit fall in that category, but also whole grains, tofu, and low-fat dairy. Remember, there are no "bad" foods with Noom, but the goal is to strike a balance with 30% green foods, 45% yellow, and 25% orange.

I dialed back on those "orange" foods, naturally cutting down on processed goodies, salt, and added sugars. When it comes to portion sizes for "orange" think: a handful, size of a deck of cards, or measured teaspoons and tablespoons of oils and sauces. These tweaks helped me tune in to my hunger signals, making it a breeze to stick to healthier options. Now, when I dine out or grab takeout, I've also adopted the smart practice of portioning my meal so I will have delicious leftovers for another day!

Guilt-Free Snacking

Here are a couple snack ideas I picked up from Noom that are a delicious way to get more balance in my diet.

Cucumber boats with tuna

Cucumber boats: Mix a can of white tuna with 2 tablespoons of hummus, then sprinkle on everything but the salt seasoning. Now, bring on the "green" – either scoop or pile this protein-packed goodness onto hollowed-out cucumbers, or dip mini cukes into this protein packed mix.

Avocado on turkey and Wasa crisps

Wasa multigrain crispbread makes for a nice alternative to toast or chips when you're craving a satisfying extra crunch. I also love turning these into a salsa and cottage cheese delivery device, giving me all the nacho vibes without the guilt.

Kimchi & Egg on Toast

Guess what's green and oh-so-good? Sprouted whole grain toast with kimchi, eggs, and yes, you guessed it – avocado! I might have a slight avocado obsession, but who can blame me for loving those healthy fats? Thankfully, FreshDirect has my back with their ready-to-eat avocados. I snag two almost every week in my regular grocery haul.

Ready to make a positive change? Join me on the Noom journey. I think you'll like it! You can get a 14-day free trial + 20% off with my referral link.

That's a wrap on my Noom journey so far! Now, I'd love to hear from you! What are your go-to healthy breakfasts or favorite guilt-free snacks? Have you adopted any winning habits on your wellness journey? Drop your thoughts, tips, or questions in the comments below – let's support and inspire one another!

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